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Amy Grant: News and Information

The List Grows On...

February 16, 1997

Sunday, February 16, 1997

Howdy all you Amy aficionados!

Gosh, the ole Amy-list has grown by almost 1,200 in a little over a week. Ido know better than to think that each new address represents a new person,however, I would like to think that there are a significant number of newfriends out there in cyberspace!

Our FOA February newsletter is "up on blocks" at the moment. My designer hasbeen stricken by strep throat. My middle daughter has also contracted thiswretched germ and so most of what I had planned to do this week came grindingto a halt.

Just for the sake of clarity - the newsletter that I often mention isactually a hardcopy item that we send out three times each year. The scheduleI attempt to adhere to is February, June and October. The text from thisletter is posted to this list and usually the and This is all providedfree of charge. In order to receive the paper version, complete with photos,you must subscribe. All the particulars on that can be received by sending asimple "blank" email to this auto-responder: amy [email protected].

I had promised Amy a rough draft of our corrections by Friday, but alas, itdidn't happen. Still had some work to pick up and drop off, so I put myailing 6 year old in the back seat with a pillow and blanket and off we went!(Life with a working mom...) One thing I left for Amy was a copy of KurtMarkus' photo study on cowboys. Not only was it gorgeous and eye opening (Ijust don't think about there being any "true cowboys" left, but in thewestern United States time has truly stood still), but Mr. Markus hadinscribed it to Amy saying that working with her had reminded him that therewere still genuine and kind people in the world. I think two worlds collidedin that photo shoot and both came away rather awed by the experience. Kindaneat!

Amy wasn't there on Friday, but in passing through the formal dining room, Isaw a most captivating "painting" (for lack of a better word) that someonehad done of Amy. I hope to find out more about it - who did it - if it was agift or if someone commissioned it... I lack the vocabulary to do adescription justice. It was done around the theme of "Breath of Heaven" andhad snippets of that song in varying type styles throughout the canvasinterposed with a couple of contemplative views of Amy. I've seen manyrenderings of Amy over the years - most of which never find their home in herhouse (she's just not into that "shrine look"), but I've never seen somethingso classy and unique and well-done.

I did talk with Tom Hemby earlier today regarding the song that he and Amywrote that Faith Hill recorded a little more than a week ago. It is "Who IAm". (Those of you with a "Catching Up With Amy" book will find those lyricswithin.) It is SO autobiographical that I couldn't imagine anyone but Amysinging it. None the less, I'm glad someone is recording it because it is avery cool song! Dan Huff produced the song which is to be included on amulti-artist sound track for a television show entitled "Mad About You".Besides Faith, Tom knew that Garth Brooks, Stevie Wonder and Rod Stewart wereamong the participants. As I find out more - I'll let you know. I trustyou'll do the same :-)

Well, I hope you've had a love-ly Valentine weekend and are looking forwardto a very patriotic President's Day. As for me - I'll be juggling out-ofschool children! Until next time...

-Lori Mc

PS - Poor Chuck, my designer, just called to apologize for the delay. Hesounded pitiful, but thought he'd be back to work tomorrow and hoped to havea draft for me by Wednesday, bless his heart. When it arrives in yourmailbox, you'll have one hard-won newsletter!

Amy Grant News