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Amy Grant: News and Information

Something "Amy" to Talk About

February 16, 1997

Hello, faithful listers!

In briefly skimming through the newsgroup thisafternoon, it quickly became apparent that those poor folks are just runningout of things to talk about.

So I threw this message out for them to consider. I will send it to you, aswell.

Let us know what YOU think!

-Lori Mc
Hey, Gang!

I know how much you all love to "cuss and discuss" topics of all types.Here's one for you...

In talking with Amy about the little promotional contest we are doing withNetCentral and in planning for the one that will follow this one, I asked herif she would be up for doing a grand prize like "a wake-up call from Amy",for example. There would be limitations on that - a certain day, only earlyhours and a 15 minute time limit, etc.

She said that she would be up for such a thing, but that from herperspective, she would rather give something that had to do with music - likethe CD library or letting the winner pick their favorite Amy song and thenlet her hand-write and sign the lyrics for them. Something, she said, "oflasting value and integrity".

Well - what do you think? Just looking for opinions here. If given a choice -what would mean the most to you?

Let me know what you think!

Write to me at my spankin' NEW address:[email protected]


-Lori Mc

Amy Grant News