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Amy Grant: News and Information

CHANGE in Christmas Show Dates, etc...

June 26, 1997



I just got a call tonight from one of Amy's management team and they haveCHANGED THE DATES OF THE CHRISTMAS SHOWS IN NASHVILLE!!It would appear they will occur early in the tour the first week ofDecember.Keep your ear to the ground and your eyes right here for more. Boy, have Igot a lot of phone calls to make tomorrow...

I did see Amy briefly today. She picked the type of paper she is going to dothe hand-written lyrics on for our Christmas Reception give-away. She evensat right down and wrote out two copies of "I Will Remember" to getstarted.She also Okayed the photo I picked for the Christmas postcard andwrote out the greeting that will be printed on it. (Thanks for another greatshot, Steve Hill!)

I asked her about performing in Denver at the G Eight Summit last Saturday.She said it was a lot of "hurry up and wait", but she enjoyed getting to sing"Big Yellow Taxi" and got to meet Bill and Hillary Clinton for the firsttime. Millie even got Bill's autograph. She enjoyed being a part of thekick-off festivities for the John Lennon Song writing Contest in New York.(What I originally heard was an all-star recording date was actually a liveperformance of "Imagine" by Amy, Hezekiah Walker & Choir and Keith Thomas.The recording is yet to come...) She said that the song itself doesn't pushany "nostalgia buttons" for her, but certainly John Lennon and The Beatlesdo. It's certainly an appropriate enough theme for such a major contest aswell as a challenge to songwriters everywhere to imagine the unimaginable anddream the impossible dream. The fact that Yoko Ono has granted theorganizers permission to use John Lennon's name and likeness speaks volumesto the credibility of this endeavor. They have already gotten an entry froman 82 year old woman and a seven year old girl. She is delighted that peoplewho would not ordinarily have an opportunity for their material to even beheard will be critiqued by an impressive panel of judges that she tells me is"longer than both our arms put together". Being on that panel is going togive her an opportunity to see a "snapshot" of what people today are writingabout. She counts this a once-in-a-lifetime experience and is honored to takepart.

Another historical first - Amy wrote an email response! Joylynn in Canada,who won this as a prize in our first amy-list promotional drawing, - keepyour eyes open! It's on its way to you! Amy was using AOL and I showed herhow to use the spell-check, which she tells me was also a first! I took acouple of polaroids for posterity. She was amazed at the simplicity and speedat which she was able to send a note. But, I wouldn't look for Miss Amy to besigning on any time real soon. She still pretty much counts the internet assomething to be avoided.

And so, brave hearts, I shall continue to press on!Amy recently did a photo shoot for McCall's Magazine. The photos andinterview are to appear in the September/October Issue. She will also have ablurb (and maybe a golf shot) in Fitness Magazine. I will post an issue datewhen I get one.

Lastly, so sorry to have been so very out of touch of late. My modem has beengiving me fits! So, I'm going to buy a new one. I'm posting on borrowedequipment even as we type.

Until next time...

-Lori Mc

Amy Grant News