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Amy Grant: News and Information

A Chat For All Seasons!

March 13, 1998

Friday, March 13, 1998

We will chat at all times with all people so that by all means some of
them might... well... chat!

Mark your calendars for the FRIENDS OF AMY


(And if not for the year, I'll bet it will be the most fun you'll have
that day!)

Sunday, March 22, 1998 2 Sessions!
12 noon to 1:30 pm CST
3:00 to 4:30 pm CST

AND, we will have a different "mystery guest" for each session. If you
can be the first to correctly identify the mystery guests - you could
win some really cool stuff!

AND, if you plan to attend one of the shows on Amy's BEHIND THE EYES
tour this spring... You will get a special SURPRIZE PRIZE delivered
LIVE from the stage!!! 

(NOTE: Amy Grant is NOT the mystery guest at either session. We will
NOT be awarding concert tickets or backstage passes as prizes.)

So, check that itinerary, get your seats and prepare to chat along with
us just 5 short days before this tour hits the road!

We will be chatting at the FRIENDS OF AMY site located at:

It's best to try it out in advance of the big day if you are not
familiar with how our chat room operates.

(ALSO NOTE: if you are not in the US or for some reason cannot attend
any of the shows on Amy's itinerary - we'll still send you some really
cool stuff if you win!)

I hope to post the text of the current issue of the FOA newsletter over
the weekend.

Until next time...

Amy Grant News